Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Thirty-two. (Day 4.)

I was a bit concerned about what to use as the second theme for the piece, and found that I had already written and posted something that I really dug: Three. I think it fits well -- the two themes are supposed to be of contrasting key and style. Well, nothing is more contrasting than these two themes. Also, the quick, percussive feel of Three will set up the development to eventually present Eleven. I love it when things work out well.

So here is Day 4 with a slight change in measure 18 from yesterday in the oboe to help push the line a little bit. I think I incorporated the new material well, as the added voices around the theme seem to help it along.

I didn't make it into the development like I was planning. However, reaching the development makes me happy enough. This might need to carry on a little past seven days, though I'm not concerned. I'll be happy to complete a piece!

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