Saturday, November 15, 2008

Updates, coming soon.

Now that I've dropped one of my more time consuming classes, I'll be posting some updates. While I found the daily composing to be a bit hard and possibly unhealthy on my creativity, I feel it's in my best interest to attempt some more-than-occasional writing.

First on the agenda is the woodwind quintet piece (Thirty-Two)-- I have some revisions I need to make, which I will post as I finish them. I may have mentioned that it was finished a few months ago, but while I might not have been composing daily I've at least be contemplating it daily, and it needs some work. (Also, a review of the piece in early August with my old professor led to some suggested alterations which I think will help tighten up the piece quite a bit.)

Second is the piece I mentioned in the previous post, based off of material from Twenty-Seven. One thing at a time, however. We'll get to this eventually!

See you soon, I hope!