Thursday, June 12, 2008


For solo alto flute. (Alto flute transposes a down a fourth from what is written.)

click the image for a clearer view

It's interesting to make purposeful uses of rests. For example, your mind is probably filling in the rests in measures 6-8 with a written D, which you don't hear until measure 9. Listen to the modified sample of the beginning below where I add the Ds. This is a pretty common thing to do and an interesting experiment in how the human ear can "fill in the gaps."

And thus begins Phase III.

I took a day off, because I needed it, so don't expect double. If I use my one skip per month, I won't skip the number. Starting on Sunday, June 15th I'll be working for seven days on developing a piece based on what was started in Eleven. I'm not sure yet how I'll post the progress or how the numbering scheme will work, but we'll make it happen.

1 comment:

krisis said...

Awesome, I loved 11!

I'll be interested to see if you post in chunks, or post pieces that get revised over the course of a week.