Sunday, May 18, 2008


Little ditty for violin. I'm absolutely positive my bowings are way off, but it's been a long, long time since I've written for violin and, unfortunately, I do not have one handy that I could ask very quickly. But hey, if someone's a violinist and could comment it'd be much appreciated.

click the image for a clearer view

Since UNO never had more than 1 string player at any time and since I considered myself practical in that I mostly wrote for what I had handy, I never had much of chance to write for strings. It seemed that when I did, though, they would often correct my bowings despite whatever effort I put into making them right. If I make it to Phase III, I think I'll use some string instrument for the first of the "one instrument for an entire week" guideline I set for myself. Definitely the one I need the most work on.

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